500L Concrete Mixer Price in China

  If you search for “500l concrete mixer price in China” directly online, it’s difficult for you to get a definite price, because there are more than one type of concrete mixers of 500l volume. Generally speaking there are two types of mixers: self-falling type and forced type. The former includes JZM (usually 750) and JZC (250, 350 and 500) while the latter JS (500, 750, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000, 4000) and JDC (350 and 500). In other words, at least three models of 500l concrete mixers are available in China market. JZC500 belongs to self-falling mixers that stirs concrete raw materials which falls in response to their own gravity. JDC refers to forced mixers with singular shaft. In comparison with other types, both has a relatively small productivity. JS series mixers have the largest treating ability and best mixing effect.
500l concrete mixer price in China

  500l concrete mixer price in China corresponds roughly to the models mentioned above. JZC500 is the cheapest, from about 20,000 to 30,000 RMB. JS500 costs the highest, whose price can reach as much as 60,000 RMB and even more. JDC500 ranks the medium, between 30,000 and 40,000 RMB. The price scope reflects variation in manufacturers and product qualities. As universally acknowledged, manufacturer of famous brands supply concrete mixers of good quality yet high price, and those of brands of no fame cost less but show poorer quality. However, we do not advise all purchasers to buy expensive mixers, because it all depends. You should make a decision based on your practical needs and budget. The most suitable, rather than the dearest, is the best for you.